The Empty Frame - Hoa Hao House Altar
Farmers understand what intellectuals cannot grasp:
Ein meister sprichet: der himel hât kein lieht, er ist ze hôch dar zuo [A master says: Heaven has no light, it is to high for it].
Meister Eckhart
Farmers understand what intellectuals cannot grasp:
Ein meister sprichet: der himel hât kein lieht, er ist ze hôch dar zuo [A master says: Heaven has no light, it is to high for it].
Meister Eckhart
He [Gurdjeff] is accused, blamed, for having been present, for having been absent, for helping and for refraining from helping, for talking and for being silent, when a variety of events ranging in people's imagination from rape to taking the veil, from natural death to suicide, from bankruptcy to brilliant success took place in the lives of this one or that one of his followers.
I fear your death, heart of my life,
Because the meaning of life [for me] is living with you
After his arrival in Port Moresby, Malinowski dreamed...
(Malinowski's Diary was written in Polish, the screenshot is from the Spanish translation)
There are...
- good writers who sell well... few
- good writer who don't sell well... some
- bad writers who sell well... also some
- bad writers who don't sell well... many